Final Major Project Journal (MSc Audio Engineering)

Study on Acousitc Analysis and Treatments Using Acoustic Prediction and Simulation Software.
This is the journal of my weekly process on this final major project. It includes the pre-project phase, project procedure, and my friend's project in which I was involved.

Here is the full version of my FMP. Enjoy!
︎Full Document

Week 1 (15 - 21 May 2023)
This week is the first official week for the final project in my master’s degree. I have been thinking about doing a project about acoustic analysis or something around that topic. The first challenge I faced was to identify the topic of my project since, during the course, I have done the Acoustic & Studio Design assignment already. So, I have to find a topic that integrates my knowledge from this assignment. I spent my time doing the mind mapping and arranging my idea and knowledge as you can see below. I have to discuss this further with Joe (my advisor) to strengthen the topic of my major project before moving forward to the next process.

Week 2 (22 - 28 May 2023)
After last week's discussion with Joe, we finally come up with a solid topic which is ‘Theoretical Study of Acoustic Analysis on Different Spaces”. The project is briefly about using the acoustic properties prediction software to analyze the acoustic properties in the space (3D modeling) and suggest treatment methods according to the purpose of the space. The project detail is shown in the diagram below.

At this point, I also decided to help Mich with his project. He’s doing the live performing and recording which I playing bass for him. We started by learning his song together in the headphone practicing room. It feels relaxing for me (and stressing for Mich hahaha) to have some chance to play bass with other people since my project has nothing to do with music at all.

Week 3 & 4 (29 May - 11 June 2023)
There is not much process going on in these two weeks since I go back to my country. I’m researching the sub-topic, software, and acoustic consultant companies. Also, planning for next week's work to catch up on the work progression of the project.

Week 5 (12 - 18 June 2023)
This week I contact the acoustic consultant companies to ask for additional advice. So far, there are no companies decided to have a meeting with me (quite sad). Also, I contact the software companies to ask for a temporary license most of the software give out a trial license which limited the function of the software such as saving the project or importing the 3D model. So I end up with I SIMPA which is an open source. However, I am still in the process of studying how the software work. I struggle with importing the 3D model but the function of the other is quite straight forward according to the documentation provided by the developer.

Also, this week with Mich's project we changed from practicing in the headphone room to 2B11 which is the live performance space. I feel so fresh when I got a chance to be back on stage as a bassist again. It feels like an age ago since the last time I play bass with someone since the last year in my big band I am the conductor and not have a chance to play. Helping on the Mich project keeps my mind intact and somehow provides me energy for my project too.
ref: I SIMPA

Week 6 (19 - 25 June 2023)
This week, I finally figure out the proper way to import the 3D model file into I SIMPA. So, the study of how the software work officially began here by following the document and tutorial from the I SIMPA website. I used my old studio design from the Studio Design and Acoustic assignment as a test sample. After the 3D model is imported correctly, the surface will be grouped and set to a certain absorption coefficient. Then the two sound sources are set to the position which demonstrates the studio monitor. Then the punctual receivers and planar receivers are set before the calculation. Mostly this week I spend my time getting comfortable with using I SIMPA with tools such as material coefficient setup or result comparing function. Another software that I just got my hand on the trial version and would be useful for insulation prediction is INSUL. However, I’m diving deep into it yet.

ref: I SIMPA

Week 7 (26 June - 2 July 2023)
After a week of learning I SIMPA, I got comfortable with most of the functions that I will use. So, this week I spend my time researching the parameters that I will include in the project. These parameters are the value that I can obtain from I SIMPA calculation including sound level, RT, EDT, clarity, and stage support. However, since I would discuss more about the insulation property and room mode, these are not the only parameters that I will use in my project. (I’m going to attach my full document when I’m done, if that possible.)

I’m also starting to apply for an acoustic consultant role in London. Both my CV and cover letter are not in the best condition they should be yet. But I start to freak out that after I finish my final project, I’m going back to the state of ‘self-employ’ again. So I want to get a job as quickly as possible. But I do believe that it's not going to be easy. Wish me luck! I’m gonna need it.

Week 8 (3 - 10 July 2023)
There’s not much going on about the project this week. I mostly spend my time practicing for Mich's live performance since the performance date is next week. Also, rewriting most of my CV, cover letter, and this website. I tried to apply for more jobs across the week but the response is not as good as I expected. Well, at least I just want to hear back from them if they gonna accept me for an interview or not. But there is nothing back to me at all which is kinda disappointing. Maybe I have to wait a little longer.
Week 9 (11 - 17 July 2023)
After a week of freaking out about my ‘self-employ’ future, I’m getting back on track again. This week I start writing the document about my project which going to be my main product. Even though I thought that I have gone through a whole lot of research, it is still not enough. There are a lot of stuff that I miss and have to do deeper research for both my understanding and the sake of my document. To conclude a week, I’m just sitting down in front of my computer reading and writing.

However, this week has some exciting activities. The day for Mich's performance arrives! To be honest, it was a really fun project to do. He’s not only playing it but also recording it live. Everybody is nervous when they get on the stage but when we start playing the vibe changed. I enjoyed it a lot and the result is quite good to me. It’s took us two days to finish all the songs but it worth the time when we see the result.

Week 10 (18 - 24 July 2023)
This week is where the real deal started. After I was done with all my research part, I start doing the simulation and all of the practical work. The work begins with the insulation properties of my theoretical spaces. I have to be quick about this part since I only got my trial until the end of July. But the software is quite straightforward to use as long as I know where and what I’m going to use in the structure. The result of most of the space turn out as I expected and I didn’t face any big problems along the work. I might consider asking for an extension on the license. Just in case anything unexpected happen I still have access to the software.

Week 11 (25 - 31 July 2023)
After I am done with the insulation structure of all spaces, the acoustic simulation in I Simpa is the next work that has to be done. I thought that it was going to be as straightforward as INSUl, but it has a whole lot more problems than I thought. Turn out that the way that I did my 3D model in SketchUp was just partially correct. It’s not going to be a single problem if I do not need to add the structure like a mobile panel or attach the panel to the wall. But I must do it since I need to discuss about the treatment effect too. Adding additional surface or structure somehow messes up the meshing process in I Simpa which fails in simulation. I have to find the false in the model and fix it before importing it into I Simpa again. This is the process of trial and error which each time I assumed where the false in the models and identify it in I Simpa took nearly half an hour. So for just one simulation of the space, it nearly took me around 3-4 hours to make it done properly. All this process is just to make a simulation possible, not including the discussion part.

Also, this week I’ve got a chance to help Dennis with his project too. I believe that he is doing something about studio recording and producing. It is a short 2-hour session with drums, two guitars, and vocals. I’m playing bass for him. Even though it is a short session, it is still very fun for me because I can take a short break from the model and meshing problems I have.

Week 12 (1 - 7 August 2023)
By the middle of the week, the period of doing simulation all day and all night was finally done. But the result analysis is not going to be any easier for me. Each of the simulations has at least 8 figures which I need to manually screen grab and put in the document. The OCD trait inside me awakens again when I want to have at least all the figure formats in one space to be the same. I spend 2 more whole days just to grab the figure and table from all of the simulations and arrange it in a way that I’m not going to mess it up. The total number of figures I have in my document is around 90 which is huge. But after all this process, analysis and discussion didn’t take long for me to make it done. By the end of the week, I got all my results, figures, and discussion in my document in the best-arranged way it could be done and approved by Joe. Finally, the hard work of almost three months paid off and I’m really satisfied with my final product!

Deadline (8 - 9 August 2023)  
Last week (2 days) of my FMP. I mostly sleep throughout the day to compensate for the sleep time I lost for two weeks. Nothing fancy going on except the fact that I finish my project quite early. Just a tiny bit of touching on the document and finishing writing this journal is all I’m doing. In the end, I feel really good about the project. I have learned a lot both about acoustic and myself throughout the project. I’m glad that I choose to study here at the University of Hertfordshire and meet the best people. I also found my so-called ‘dream job’ which is an acoustic consultant. Hopefully, I made it someday. This is the end of the project, but it is also a starting point for my new chapter. It going to be stressful and full of struggle but I’m looking forward to it. See you in the next project!

Nattapatr Senavattanagul